Gold Partner

Food and Health Standards 2006 Ltd & Auditing Solutions NZ Ltd are recognised national leaders in Environmental Health Services, Water Monitoring Programmes & Food Evaluations & Verifications.

Our team are highly qualified and multi skilled professionals who are immersed in this process every day.

Food and Health Standards and its sister company Auditing Solutions employs 35 staff across New Zealand. Head office is based in Christchurch with another satellite office based in Auckland & West Coast. The team are experienced and qualified personnel who are multi-skilled in the disciplines of Environmental Health, Verification, and Water Monitoring Services . The staff work across the entire spectrum of the industry and undertake regulatory and verification services on a day-to-day basis.  

The Company has considerable networks and close communications with respect to Central and Local Government regulatory authorities. Food and Health Standards has further networks which include scientific and technical specialists, consultants, training providers, industry organisations, laboratories, other service providers such as Taumata Arowai. Auditing Solutions New Zealand (ASNZ) proudly provides comprehensive evaluation and verification services to the wide spectrum of the food and food-related industries across New Zealand. The company holds full accreditation by Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) to ISO:IEC 17020 as an Inspection Body and is approved and registered by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) as a recognised agency for the evaluation and verification of Template Food Control Plans, Custom Food Control Plans and National Programmes – NP1, NP2 & NP3. Food & Health provides Environmental Health Services to 15 Territorial Authorities. These services include monitoring programmes for drinking water, wastewater & storm water. Environmental Health functions such as alcohol licensing, registration administration, inspection and surveillance of registered premises, noise control including acoustics, verification services, contaminated & substandard sites and assistance in civil defence emergencies.

Food & Health Standards & Auditing Solutions are delighted to be partnering with NZIEH as we work towards encompassing all the external factors that affect human health & wellbeing.  


Meet our NZIEH partners

Gold Partner

Silver Partner

Bronze Partner

Bronze Partner