PRE-CONFERENCE: FULL DAY 'Appearance Industries & Disaster Management Masterclasses' - Tuesday 25 March 2025
Attend a FULL DAY of BOTH PRE-CONFERENCE Masterclass workshops.
Discover who the appearance industries are, the current legislative climate within New Zealand for these industries and dive deep into the common practices these industries undertake. Through understanding the common infection routes, anaylse some of the common procedures and consider how local bylaws or The Health Act would apply. Explore Environmental health's role in working with these industries and trying to promote and protect public health through minimisation of infection and disease spread.
This Masterclass will be delivered by The NZ Defence Force, in collaboration with Massey University and NZIEH executive members. Attendees can expect to gain an overview of the key considerations in responding to any major disaster event. Building upon base knowledge, dive deeper and see how this knowledge and practical skills of Environmental Health professionals can be utilised further to assist in managing major disaster events, and work towards protecting human health.
Includes TWO masterclass workshops, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Available to members and non members. Registrations close 5pm Friday 7 March 2025 unless sold out prior –
$350.00 each
(Exclusive of GST)